So, i was at Target yesterday, just kinda playing around, looking for a movie, something to entertain me on my day off, aimlessly wondering around in the electronics area, when i get to an isle with these little action figures, what is this? i was drawn to this character that looks like a tree, then i see this glowing pad in front of a t.v. monitor, and it says place character to view, so i plop the toy on the pad, and it shows the little guy fighting in what looks like a video game, then i realize that this glowing rock thing is part of a video game you can take home! and that its this collectible game where you collect these toys and each one has different powers and abilities and its called "SKYLANDERS" I'm in love instantly, In Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure, players take on the role of a Portal Master who can control over 32 different characters, including, but not limited to, Spyro. Players embark on a journey into a world where they will explore lands, battle creatures, collect gold and treasures, and solve puzzles while on a quest to save their world from Kaos, an evil Portal Master, who they must defeat. The video game comes with 3 action figures and a peripheral called the "Portal of Power", which connects to the player's console of choice. Each action figure represents one of 37 playable characters, including Spyro, each with unique abilities. The playable characters become unlocked when their corresponding action figures are placed on the Portal of Power. Players can also place one of these special action figures on the Portal of Power of a friend's console (even if it is not the same type of console), and the character's amassed scores, level-ups and achievements are instantly imported for the gameplay session. Additionally, two figures can be placed on the portal simultaneously, for cooperative or versus play.
Characters each have a primary attack, and a secondary attack. They gain experience points by defeating monsters, and leveling up will result in the possibility of getting upgrades. Each character has its own special abilities that differ from each other, as well as assigned elements. This provides some replayability, as each character faces the world in different ways. Although the game only comes with Spyro, Gill Grunt and Trigger Happy, players can purchase the remaining 34 action figures separately, if they so choose.
I currently have 8 of the 32, and i definitely need one from each element, so I'm def going back when i have some spending money and expanding my crew.
Today Marks The Release of Rihanna's 6th studio album "TALK THAT TALK" It Opens with "You Da One" Im a big fan of this song, only because it feels like the perfect mash-up of my two favorite RiRi tracks, "Rude Boy", and "Whats My Name", It's cute, fun, light, and of course when you hear it you just wanna feel that for someone, and if you are seeing someone lol watch out! this track has potential to develop a fatal attraction, i dig this track alot. The Next Track Is "Where Have You Been" this acoustic Trance track, is gonna be her third single no doubt, Dr. Luke, i bow down to your vision of a track, its amazing! this track on the breakdown is so fun to just lose yourself in. LOVE. which bleeds into "WE FOUND LOVE" This is still my favorite track on the album, it means alot to me, to me its about wanting love so badly that you just go with the flow, for me love really is a drug, i wanna live in that great moment, and i let it blind me for the time being. the track is so bittersweet, its almost painful to listen to, but like love, i want to experience it over and over. "TALK THAT TALK feat JAY-Z" is the next track, its like an "Umbrella" reunion" this track samples the NOTORIOUS B.I.G.'s "i gotta story to tell" this is a track that sounds like it would have been on "Rated R" I'm a fan, it seems a little out of place on the album, but I'm still feeling the final cut of the album picks. "COCKINESS" is up next and lemme tell ya its all about the word usage, "Suck My Cockiness, Lick My Persuasion" lmfao "I LOVE IT, I LOVE IT, I LOVE IT WHEN YOU EAT IT" this is a great dance hall beat, show ur colors gurl! I'm down for this song any day. it makes me happy like a clam. and what girl is not gonna bump this beat, fuck just girls! men you know you like it too :) "BIRTHDAY CAKE" not long but short n sweet, so technically, its NOT "Big Enough" but it can be my rude boy. and I'm a fan of, CAKE CAKE CAKE CAKE CAKE CAKE. and being someones BITCH! "WE ALL WANT LOVE" I'm seriously in love with this song, i feel like a wrote this song, i have a song with similar lyrics, and when i heard this, i just smile, cause i think this is a vulnerable song to write, or let alone sing and make it yours. great track, next is "DRUNK ON LOVE" again, a bayley track, first off she samples a track that, we'll speaks to me, so I'm thankful, and then just puts it all in the speaker with the best lyrics, i wear my heart on my sleeve too! damn! is she speaking to me? "ROC ME OUT" this dance guilty pleasure is great, who hasn't been drunk and feelin like a little slut on the dance floor, i love it. "WATCH N' LEARN" is my second favorite track, yeah i know its about a girl gettin eaten out, lol but a boy can dream, "FAREWELL" the song about letting go, i love this song for presenting a situation that actually happens, its a great song, and i know this will be a single. tears for days!!!!! wah! ******* BONUS TRACKS******* "RED LIPSTICK, this song is the motha fuckin BOMB!!!!! i heard this and i was instantly in love, dub-step heavy, and sexy metal, yessir!! i will have sex to this song. bring it! "Do Ya Thang" this song is all about being comfortable with the guy ur with, knowing that love is there and not trippin off the small shit, you and ur boo are true blue! that's the direction of this track, and i love it. "FOOL IN LOVE" great ballad, and vocals are insane, she even does a BEYONCE run!!! lol this is what Britney was going for in 'criminal" worst single of the year BTW.
So Drake Has Done it again, this mother fuckin Canadian, has blown it out the water! Jay-Z and Kanye, better watch the throne, because i think Drake is stealing album of the year this time around. the tracks are fresh, the samples, are fun, and the lyrics are relatable.
The Album Opens with "OVER MY DEAD BODY" a little bragging rights song, perfectly constructed, with a beautiful melody, and ambient flow, i heart this track, the track bleeds into the next "SHOT FOR ME" which is my favorite, only because if i was famous, i would wanna haunt someone like Drake does in this track. rarely do i relate with rap artists, not that i don't understand, but its just they are living a life so alien to me i just nod my head and bounce to the beat, i ain't no baller! but Drake raps about shit that people and young adults have gone through. hits home. the next track is the Famous "HEADLINES" this already on the airwaves hit, has a sick ass beat, beginningto end, a fat flow, and not one guest artist. "CREW LOVE feat. THE WEEKEND" is up next and might i say DAAAAAAAAAAAMN! this is a sick composition. the vocals steal my heart and soul on this one. "they lovin the crew!" the second half of this song develops the best relaxing beat and switch. I'm in love. The Next track "TAKE CARE feat. RIHANNA" is one of those songs that slapped me in the face with realism, i have been through every second of this song, and recently too. i love love love this track. "I've loved and I've lost" "MARVIN'S ROOM" is the next track, and who doesn't relate to the feeling of hatred toward your ex's rebound, its painfully awkward, only because he captures a feeling that many of us have had at one point. its an essential song. I'm down, i love it, I'm fallin in love deeper listening to this album all over again. "BURIED ALIVE INTERLUDE" is a sick sick sick flow, if you wanna hear some great Drake Shit, this is it! i was stopped in my damn tracks! its off and weird, and eerie, and i just love it, my second fave track on this album. sad it so short!!!!! "UNDERGROUND KINGS" great beat great track, a instant great hit. "WE'LL BE FINE" i love this beat alot, Drakes shit is hawt! but i have never been a huge birdman fan, the flow about nicki and fame it catchy. birdman should say Nigga more lol. "MAKE ME PROUD" is probably the most Pop-like song on the album, the fourth song i ever heard, but oddly one of my least favorites now, its great but in comparison to the rest its def bottom three, Nicki can never do wrong, and the beat is sexy and simplistic. "LORD KNOWS feat. RICK ROSS" this one sounds like a "Watch The Throne" knock off lol i skipped it, bored to death. , "Look Like"CAMERAS/GOOD ONES GO INTERLUDE" this is a great song to me We're in LOVE, But Only On Camera" "DOIN IT WRONG" a great heartbreaking song, just raw and real, and again I Connect Wonder is epic, ugh this track breaks my heart :( wah!"THE REAL HER" is up next i dig this track, nothing amazing just a good listen. WEEZY good rap! you saved the track in my eyes. but wait! what? huh? ANDRE 3000? oh hell yes! his verse is BOMB.COM he has risen!!!!!! love it best guest spot on this album, hands down! "LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE" I love the lounge sound of this song, make the setting real, i wanna picture Drake sittin at a piano singing and people just drinking champagne. to me channeled ANDRE 3000 on this track, his flow is very sophisticated and poignant. "HYFR (HELL YA FUCKIN RIGHT) feat LIL WAYNE" I know this is gonna be a big favorite only because "Weezy" is on it, but i think there are way better singles on this album. but we shall see, i think this Drake album has a alot of gas to make this a long race. "PRACTICE" is a fuckin great sample, rarely do i feel like someone can improve an original view of a song........Drake has done it. he tookJuvenile'strack "Back That Ass Up" and made it faaaaantastic. "THE RIDE" follows and its old school hooks and classic."THE MOTTO feat LIL WAYNE" eh."I HATE SLEEPING ALONE" great ending to this future epic platinum album. DRAKE thank you! i enjoyed every bit of this masterpiece, NOV 15th 2011.
my faves: SHOT FOR ME
So Our Group Finally has a name. on August 9th, 2011, Tom Slovinski and Bayley Whitehead, Came up with the name "Counterfeit County" and launched a clip off Bayleys iphone 4s in a starbucks in WEHO. The track is un named and unmastered and features Toms staged named "Soda Pop Curtis" rapping his flow. More to come, with beats and lyrics from CC.
Dreaming of a white Christmas? Then you're in for a rude awakening.
The only thing white about this riotously multiethnic black comedy is the blizzard of cocaine that flies through the air as Bing Crosby croons his yuletide standard at an out of control Christmas Eve party.
If I said the latest sortie from cultural subversives Harold Lee (John Cho) and Kumar Patel (Kal Penn) has something to offend everyone, I'd probably be over-estimating the sensitivities of at least some of the 17.4 million Americans who are estimated to use marijuana at least once a month.
Still, I imagine that the running gag about an infant inadvertently exposed to pot, coke and ecstasy might strike some people as pretty near the knuckle. Others will choke when the always game Neil Patrick Harris -- playing himself -- explains his miraculous resurrection with reference to a run-in with Jesus, who didn't take kindly to Harris making out with His groupies.
Then there are the gags -- good, bad and indifferent - that deliberately play up ethnic stereotypes: jailbird Latinos, gangsta African-Americans, tight-fisted Jews, bloodthirsty Slavs, square and boring WASPS. The subtler joke being that Harold and Kumar's own ethnicity is invisible -- except to the occasional bigots they encounter. ("Sorry, I don't date black guys," says the Ukrainian virgin, Mary, as she rejects Kumar in favor of Korean-American Harold.)
You want a plot? It's set six years after the boys escaped from Guantanamo. Harold is now a successful Wall Street executive, married, clean and sober. He's washed his hands of Kumar, who's still a bonafide pothead and no further along in life than he ever was. But the ex-best friends are reunited in a typically quixotic quest to get their hands on a 12-foot Christmas tree before Midnight Mass comes out.
Maybe the movie does pander to a certain slacker sexism -- but even that's tempered by an eye-watering item when one of the boys gets stuck to an icy pole, "A Christmas Story"-style (only it's not his tongue that's stuck). That's male bonding of an especially painful kind -- and marks the natural culmination for a buddy dynamic that's deeply engrained in our movies, from Laurel and Hardy, Abbott and Costello, Hope and Crosby, Martin and Lewis, Cheech and Chong, and Bill and Ted all the way to "Dumb & Dumber." It's a tradition that Cho and Penn sustain with as much charm as circumstances allow.
In a week when a French satirical magazine was firebombed for publishing an issue guest-edited by the prophet Mohammed (or so they claimed), there is definitely something to be said for a movie that takes a blowtorch to political correctness and even puts a bullet in the head of old Saint Nick. By offending everyone, the theory goes, no one needs be offended.
It's a patchy affair, these things almost always are, but a commendably trim 90-minute running time keeps things hopping. The film hits an early high with a series of inspired gags breaking the fourth wall to poke fun at its own 3D gimmickry.
Director Todd Strauss-Schulson throws in a horrific claymation fantasy, doffs his cap at Busby Berkeley and shoots an egg-throwing sequence as if he's John Woo, just because he can. The yolks on us, I guess. At regular intervals he sends clouds of pot wafting towards the audience. You don't need to be an expert in
There’s no word yet on when/where another season of MTV’s hit series will film, but Snooki isn’t worried. The self-proclaimed meatball has been saving all her money so she can support herself after the show is off the air.
“‘Jersey Shore’ is going to end soon,” Snooki told GQ. “I’m not going to spend money like Mike. He’s already broke.”
And though season 5 will most likely follow “Shore’s” surefire format, Snooks said she would do things a little differently if she were in charge.
“I wouldn't show as much drinking and partying,” she said. “I would show more of us chilling out and having a good time. … They don't show anything but us drinking and hooking up.”
“I think that if they showed the sober side of us, people would like it even more and it'd even change people's minds about us,” she added.
Snooki, who has one best-selling novel under her belt and another work of fiction on the way, also informed GQ that she's not really into reading.
"I don't read. I don't like to read 'Harry Potter' or anything like that. It's not my style."
When GQ pointed out that she's a New York Times best-selling author, Snooki responds that "doesn't mean I have to read."
For those fans who want to relive season 4, the four-disc set, which includes all 12 uncensored episodes, as well as bonus footage, will be available in stores on December 27. And if you’re experiencing GTL withdrawals with “Jersey Shore” on hiatus, fear not - your favorite fist-pumpers will be back before you know it.
Home from Italy, the gang reunites in Seaside Heights for “Shore’s” fifth season, which will air on January 5.
What we know so far: Vinny took a break from filming at the start of the season to “recharge his batteries.” But we’ll have to wait until 2012 to see the rest of the drama unfold. Well, at least the drama that's not included in this 3 minute sneak peek.
Two years after tying the knot, actress/singer Zooey Deschanel and musician Ben Gibbard are going their separate ways. A rep for Gibbard, frontman for the band Death Cab for Cutie, confirmed the split to CNN.
An unnamed source tells Us Weekly that the split was amicable and mutual, and wasn't caused by a third party.
According to the Los Angeles Times, the pair met through a mutual manager three years ago (Zooey's also in a band of her own: She & Him). The two wed near Seattle in 2009 after Gibbard proposed to Deschanel with a three carat diamond and platinum ring, People magazine reports.
In a recent interview with iVillage, Deschanel opened up about her relationship with Gibbard, reiterating that marriage takes work.
"The most surprising thing is that it's not really different," she said in the July, 2011 interview. "You still have to make a commitment and think about that commitment every day. It's not like you get married and then all the work is done for you. You get married and you're still in a relationship and you're still doing your best to make it the best relationship you can...You still have to make the effort and be kind and understanding."
Professionally, Deschanel is staying plenty busy: Her Fox show "New Girl" has been a success and was picked up for a full season earlier in the fall, and she just released her Christmas album, "A Very She & Him Christmas."
So Rihanna Has topped herself again, with her newest video on her up coming album "TALK THAT TALK" its a gritty, and realistic look, at how a damaging relationship when ur in it, can feel comforting, and when its all over, you would almost do anything to go back just to experience the good that was in all the bad. it a dark deep video, and it hits home to many. by far my favorite video, it shows a great new adult side to Rihanna, that i think even the un-fans will love
A broken heart (or heartbreak) is a common metaphor used to describe the intense emotional pain or suffering one feels after losing a loved one, through death,divorce, breakup, moving, being rejected, or other means.
Heartbreak is usually associated with losing a family member or spouse, though losing a parent, child, pet, or close friend can also "break one's heart". The phrase refers to the physical pain one may feel in the chest as a result of the loss. Although "heartbreak" is usually a metaphor, there is a condition known as "broken heart syndrome", where a traumatizing incident triggers the brain to distribute chemicals that weaken heart tissue.
Recently i was in a relationship, one that i thought would most likely be my last, or in my case, one i hoped would be my last, you know when you collect all the past relationships, and you self evaluate, and you try your hardest to change the petty and ridiculous things you did? that's what i had done, a full makeover, and changed the way i was, be a new me, TRY, WORK HARD, don't be Lazy with this one, that's what i wanted to do, "make it work" but i found that i was the only one trying in time, yeah i had an amazing time, yeah i was happy when i was around them, but it was the energy and time they were putting forward that was weak. you cant be with someone for five months, and set them on the back burner, you cant expect that pot to simmer, it eventually boils over, or simmers out, you cant make a schedule for what is suppose to take it's natural course, no one wants to feel like they are on a scheduled routine, now i don't wanna point fingers, that's not what I'm about, but i do wanna say, be a team with whoever you are with, don't let one do all the work, while the other reaps the benefits, a text message, a phone call, a visit, goes a long way, to make someone feel loved, and wanted, and all though my heart hurts right now, I'm a bog boy, and that will heal in time, i just thought id open the eyes for a few, be a love super hero, because i do truly believe in LOVE.
Pitbull has responded to a lawsuit filed by Lindsay Lohan, who claims that the rapper disparaged her name in his recent hit "Give Me Everything." In a statement on his official website, the Miami rapper says that the line in question – "I got it locked up like Lindsay Lohan" – was not meant to be taken so harshly. "When I mention Lindsay Lohan in the record it’s really a positive message,” he wrote. "When I say I got it locked up, if you play at the park, if you from the neighborhood, when they say you got it locked up, that means you run that area."
"I was very surprised when I found out about the lawsuit," says Pitbull. "To me it was very ironic, to be honest with you. At first I read it and I thought, ‘It’s gotta be a joke.’ [But] come to find out that’s it’s very realistic."
Lohan's lawsuit asserts that Pitbull's lyrics have caused her "irreparable harm." The rapper insists that he did not mean to hurt her career, and has invited Lohan to appear with him on stage at the MTV Video Music Awards on Sunday when he performs the tune with Ne-Yo.
So I have finally picked up the new Blink 182 album, so so so so so excited for the return of one of my favorite bands, its been 7 years since the last new album from them. and now, i can rock out to Tom, Mark, and Travis, once again. i must say i was nervous with the not so amazing first single UP ALL NIGHT, i just wasn't taken by the song, but then i sampled some leaked tracks and was BLOWN AWAY!!!!!. so here is my Babble Review!
So The Album starts off with a killers meets boxcar racer into, kinda like "Im Fellin It" the first Track GHOST ON THE DANCE FLOOR is a good way to start off the album, its mellow, and very BLINK like. great drum beats from Travis Barker like always. NATIVES track 2 on the album, kicks up with a galloping drum beat, this is one of my favorites so far, it makes me smile and just brings me back, it has a Cheshire Cat feel, and that's an amazing sound to reach, when you have come so far from the beginning. this song is already treasured by me. UP ALL NIGHT is track 3 and yadda yadda yadda it just doesn't have that catchy sound to me, never grasped me, so I'm putting this one in the pass pile. but its worth listening to. AFTER MIDNIGHT follows, this song is great with the structure, I'm a fan with the first line "I cant get my feet up off the edge, i kinda like the little rush ya get, when ur standing close to death" in love!!!! tom's voice doesn't bug the shit out of me on this album either, maybe cause i missed him lol. SNAKE CHARMER is an excellent song, very different for this band, and yet i am intrigued with every second. the next song is the interlude HEART'S ALL GONE followed by HEARTS ALL GONE, this is another song that takes me back, this time to Buddha, loved that album. very fast and more punk than they have pulled out in a while, i dig this track immensely. WISHING WELL follows and i must say, another great song. Tom fronts yet another song, and does it with his classic poppy da da da da! lyrics, this track sounds like a secret track that would have gone on "take off your pants and jacket" good song. KALEIDOSCOPE is one of my faves, only cause I'm a sucker for Mark Hoppus and +44 so it steals my heart from the moment he speaks. THIS IS HOME is very killers to me, i like it, I'm actually just having a great time with this album, it really just makes me feel 18 again, and puts me in my jeep wrangler with my tape deck, MH 4.18.2011 is the next track, its a mellow version of Rock Show, the adult version if you will. LOVE IS DANGEROUS is a nice little rock tunes, very sexy and sleek, great collaboration with the voices on this track. FIGHTING THE GRAVITY is my other favorite on the album, it just speaks to me. love love love this song. LOVE!!!!! is eerie and creepy, and just perfect. i hope this is a single. amazeballz. EVEN IF SHE FALLS is a cute song, not my favorite but good. very BOXCAR RACER.
As the star of a wildly popular film franchise, you’d think Daniel Radcliffe would be well-versed in pop culture phenomenons. But as it turns out, Harry Potter himself hasn’t seen “Star Wars”!
In an interview with Moviefone, Radcliffe reveals that he’s never seen the 1977 space opera. “Yeah, I know. It’s really bad,” he says of the gap in his film knowledge.
The 22-year-old actor explains, “I saw 'The Phantom Menace,' and everyone's like, ‘You saw that one! You didn't see the originals?!’ I know! I was ten! I didn't know any better!”
But despite never having seen the films – of which Radcliffe says, “I'm sure they're amazing and incredible” – the actor does have a criticism. “I think there is a slightly more balanced split between the sexes in the fan base of 'Potter,'” Radcliffe postulates. “I associate 'Star Wars' as being a predominantly male thing. And I think 'Potter' is split more evenly.”
He also notes that “because 'Potter' started out as a book, it's created a generation of literary nerds in a way that 'Star Wars' perhaps didn't.”
Despite the differences, Radcliffe says he sees where the comparison comes from. “I do think of 'Potter' as being this generation's 'Star Wars,'" the actor says. "It's something that an entire generation has lost themselves in and it's a meticulously created, detailed world.”
And Radcliffe loves the major thing that “Star Wars” and “Harry Potter” have in common: nerds. “Nerds are the best things in the world,” he says, “I think of myself as a nerd.”
And this nerd won’t be a “Star Wars” virgin for long – someone is getting him the new Blu-rays.
“I know that I would love them because I'm a geek,” he says, “so I would definitely get into them.”
The xx are an English indie pop band, formed in London in 2005. The band's members met while studying at Elliott School, notable for alumni including Hot Chip, Burial and Four Tet. They became a trio when their second guitarist and keyboardist, Baria Qureshi, departed in late 2009. In September 2010 they won the Barclaycard Mercury Prize.(BIG DEAL) They are currently working on their second album, which is to be released in 2012
The group's debut album, xx, was met with critical acclaim, achieving a rating of "Universal acclaim" on Metacritic.The album also ranked well on "best of the year" lists, placing ninth on the Rolling Stone list and second for NME. In the 2009 NME The Future 50 list, The xx were positioned at number six, and in October 2009, they were named one of MTV Iggy's "Top 10 Bands with Buzz" (at the CMJ Music Marathon 2009)
Their debut album, xx, was released on Young Turks on 17 August 2009. Though the band had previously worked with producers including Diplo and Kwes, they produced xx themselves,while Jamie Smith and Rodaidh McDonald mixed it. The xxrecorded their album in a small garage that was part of the XL studios, often at night, which contributed to the sleek, whispery nature of the album. In August 2009, the band headlined their own concert tour. The xx have toured with artists including The Big Pink and Micachu. Their single "Crystalised" was featured on iTunes (UK) as Single of the Week, starting from 18 August 2009.
The xx's song "Intro" was extensively used on television: most recently in the first episode of HBO/NHL series 24/7, "Road To The 2011 Winter Classic", as well as in an AT&T commercial featuring Apolo Anton Ohno; often during NBC's coverage of the 2010 Winter Olympic Games; during the series Cold Case; during the series Suits; for the Newsnight coverage of the 2010 general election; on Mercy ("The Last Thing I Said Was" episode) and also in Law & Order on the Dutch television network Net 5. It was also used as the opening theme in the Greek version of Next Top Model. "VCR" was featured in a Lie to Me episode. In episode 7 of the online BBC EastEnders spin-off E20 their cover of "Teardrops" was used. "Heart Skipped a Beat" was featured in a 2009 episode of 90210, as well as being the feature song for the March 2010 E4 advert for 90210. "Islands" was used in an episode of Grey's Anatomy, and an episode of The Vampire Diaries. "Crystalised" was featured in an episode of Gossip Girl, and "Stars" was used in E4's youth drama Misfits in December 2009. In January 2010, the xx performed in a 11-date sold-out tour in Scandinavia and Germany. A track mix of "VCR", "Shelter", "Intro", and "Crystalised" was also used in the Karl Lagerfeld Fall/Winter 2011 fashion show. Their music is currently being frequently used on the school drama Waterloo Road. Also, their song "Shelter" appears in the film I Am Number Four.